Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Me ne fund seks ne "BB6"... Elena Dhe Vigani Ne Mes te Dites Sex

3 minuta seks brenda ne shtepine e “BB6” Me ne fund lulezoi dashuria ne shtepine e “Big Brother”. Ose te pakten keshtu eshte dukur gjate njeres prej neteve ne dhomen e gjumit... Teksa te tjeret flinin, Anaidi dhe Joana kane vendosur te ndajne bashke shtratin dhe jo vetem. Ata kane kaluar momente te nxehta nen jorgan dhe me ne fund kane shfaqur ate qe ndiejne per njeri-tjetrin. Akti seksual ka zgjatur pak, vetem tre minuta. Qe prej diteve te para, dy te rinjte jane afruar dhe shpesh jane vecuar nga pjesa tjeter e grupit. Marredhenia e tyre ka pasur ulje-ngritje brenda nje kohe te shkurter. Shpesh jane zene e po aq shpesh jane perqafuar. Me e dhene eshte dukur Joana, e cila, edhe pse ne shume raste e refuzuar nga Anaidi, serish ka tentuar te afrohet e ta kete prane. Ajo ka thene tek banoret e tjere se i pelqejne perqafimet e Anaidit dhe ka nevoje ta kete prane. Per kete arsye, 26- vjecarja nga Tirana vendosi qe t’i jape fund marredhenies shume-vjecare me te dashurin qe jeton ne Greqi. Me shume gjasa, skena e seksit do te transmetohet sonte gjate spektaklit... Te presim e te shohim. /bluetooth/ [[ translation by google: 3 minutes sex inside the house "BB6" I finally love flourished in the house of "Big Brother". Or so it seemed during one of the nights in the bedroom ... As others slept, Anaidi and Joana decided to share the bed and not only. They have spent the hottest moments under the quilt and finally showed what they feel for each other. Sexual act took less, just three minutes. Since the early days, the two young men approached and are often separated from the rest of the group. Their relationship has had ups and downs within a short time. They are often caught as often embraced. Given seemed Joana, which, though in many cases rejected by Anaidi, again attempted to have close approaches. She said other residents like Anaidit hugs and needs to be near. For this reason, the 26-year-old from Tirana decided to end the multi-year relationship with her boyfriend who lives in Greece. Most likely, the sex scenes will be aired during the show tonight ... Wait and see. / bluetooth /

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